Today I danced wildly around the kitchen table while Miss Magnificent ate her dinner. Wildly. And she immediately joined in with some wild shoulder shrugging and head bobbing of her own. Girl’s got skills, people, mad skills! I felt like my Mama in that moment. Being silly for silly’s sake. Keeping life enjoyable and stretching
Category: Uncategorized
Just Enough For This Moment
I’m struggling. Still. I know, I know – it’s normal. Apparently, after a miscarriage, it can take a long time for hormones to return to their usual levels where I am only semi-crazy instead of full on certifiable. Yesterday I was all out of whack. Like I couldn’t make sense of anything and I couldn’t
Peace in the Floopties
Louisiana was spectacular. The love rekindling – the crawfish healing – the steady heartbeat of the people I love most – it was plush and comfortable and restful. Kinda like a Pottery Barn bed looks: And even though I prayed – begged and begged God and myself – that it wouldn’t be heartbreaking to leave.
Roller Coaster of Epic Proportions
The past month has been a roller coaster of epic proportions. That’s why I’ve been MIA. First I was entirely too nauseated to write. I was pregnant. Very early but very pukey-fied. And then I was entirely too sad to write. And it all felt like too much to look at in formed letters on
Fun Friend Friday: Katy
Katy Lou is a sweet friend from college who is more like a sister than a friend. She and I rode the ride together…for better or worse…to Spain and back…experiencing things together that bind two people for life. Katy is steady and loyal and fantastically honest. She gets me and I get her. No explaining
Mayhave Monday…minus the Mayhave
So, this is technically a Mayhave post, but it doesn’t start with MAY or MAY NOT have because, well, it just didn’t make sense today. See? No rules. Just truth. Does it ever occur to you in the middle of your cranky pants, self-wallowing that God has been faithfully running after you all along? I
Fun Friend Friday: April
Well, the beach was a flop. It was cold and cloudy. But we got out and Adelle had fun playing in the sand. Fortunately for all of us, we still get to hear from April today! April is new[er] friend of mine that I met at church. She is sassy and fun and I knew
I’ve seen this room and I’ve walked this floor
I’ve found myself numbing. Half-living. Looking for ways to escape my reality. Baby, I’ve been here before. I’ve seen this room and I’ve walked this floor. And last night in grace I remembered what it looks like to live, live. To BE in life. To embrace the victories and losses. The joy and suffering. The
Fun Friend Friday: Lindsey
Lindsey is a soul sister – deep and true. She and I walked through a Bible Study together that changed us entirely…such things bind hearts together for eternity. That and the fact that she showed me what it looks like to be real AND love Jesus with your whole heart. There have been others but
Fun Friend Friday: Molly
Meet Molly. Photographer. Graphic Designer in training. Wife to Sthteben. Fiercely loyal. Wise beyond her years. And more fun than I feel comfortable conveying to you on this page 🙂 She is my sister bear and very best friend. My favorite thing about Molly and Stephen is that they embrace life and live it right