Y’all. Can you believe the pretty that came with this new bloggy look? Isn’t it so calming and lovely? I hope you think so, because this is my little Internet home from here on out. Our family site still exists, and I’ll obviously still be writing there, too. But this space is mine, all mine,
Category: The Way
For when the not good enoughs won’t stop staring at you…
I’ve been feeling a little beat up – a little haggard, if you will. Third trimester alone can do that to a person. Throw in a full and busy [and fulfilling] schedule, some big[ish] things resting upon the heads of our family, and the general day to day of taking care of itty bitties, and
Easter Reflections
I spent the weekend reflecting on who I might have been if Jesus hadn’t rescued me. Well, that and sewing and eating crawfish and visiting with friends. But in the middle of it all, there was the reflecting on my own depravity. I find that this is a good exercise for myself now and again –
Leave Room for Ugly
This one has been bouncing around in my head and my heart for the past week or so. I have had a hard time figuring out how to get it on paper without sounding just as graceless as those who got the post brewing did/do. So, I waited. I waited and I thought and I
What’s your darkness?
To sit back and wait, to let the Spirit of God stir and move and change and love us into a place where our hearts are wholly His – to this list-making girl seems like the hardest thing He could ask of me. To do more than tell my overly-chatty or angry four year old,
How being sick in bed is like growing stuff…
I spent the weekend in bed with a stomach virus-esque something or other. It was not a stomach virus, I’m pretty sure, but the effects of this pregnancy that continue to plague me. And today I had to choose to get out of bed and plod into God’s Word anyway. Isn’t that a hard thing?
More than Fear
It’s more than fear that keeps me from dreaming. It’s just…life. It’s mornings in the library, two little girls in tow, that are so horrific you are driven to Ruffles and Ranch…and two bags of chocolate. It’s sitting at the lunch table repeating over and over to yourself, “The goal here is not to hurt
I am afraid.
I hear my alarm. I wait. I don’t want to leave the soft space of escape but hot coffee and the possibility of seeing something more than my own frustrations today grab my feet and swing them to the floor. I pad quietly past the girls’ bedrooms and absentmindedly stir in cream and sugar as
Bring It
When I have allowed sleep to take priority over my morning time with Jesus for a while, I generally choose Jesus Calling by Sarah Young to help me get back into the habit of steady and committed time with Him pre-dawn. She writes the voice of Jesus so beautifully and has adequate Scriptural documentation to back
Discontent or Restless?
My whole life I have struggled against discontentment. It’s always this season, this job, this ailment, this moment that is the problem. If only “this” would change, then I would experience a sense of fulfillment and purpose. “This” trickles down into every area of my life making me bitter, frustrated, and an overall negative person.