Well, folks, I’m overloaded. Again. I have a sickness. It’s official. But God is teaching me so much through Experiencing God! And I want to tell you all about it. But for now I will just have to share a journal entry. I give you the exact words of a barely awake Mama… You will
Category: Family
Oh Hunk of Mine
We were 17 and terribly in love…all “one day when we get married” and “never enough kisses.” And he would babysit with me, playing shamelessly with those kiddos…oblivious to my house playing shennanigans. I knew then that he would be an incredible Daddy and something about that made me love him a little deeper. Right
One of THOSE mornings…
Today I woke up to toddler hands patting my face and saying, “Mommy,” with her small voice. And then I got out of bed and changed her diaper, opened the blinds, let the dog out, poured up her smoothie, started the coffee, went to let the dog back in only to discover she had muddy
…And it’s only noon?
Do you ever look down at the clock to find that it’s only noon? But surely not. Surely you could not be this beaten, bruised, and humbled by noon. And you think, “Would it be okay if we just hit reset and gave it another whirl? Surely I can do better than this. Surely.” Here’s
The way you move ain’t fair, you know…
I feel like you all should know that immediately after the saggy spirit sob story, I retrieved Miss Magnificent from her bed and, like any good mama, put Dora on for her. It’s our evening routine – don’t judge. I got some bacon-a-poppin’ for an impending dinner disaster that I totally saw coming but optimistically
How in the HECK did we end up together?!
Some girls lay in bed as high school and college students begging that God would let them marry a minister. It’s true. I know them. They are nice, genuine women who I have a great deal of respect for. I was not one of ‘em. Nope. Never did I ever ask for a life in
My (Currently) Unwrappable Tuesday
So, today is Tuesday. And originally I had planned to unwrap some goodness within this bad boy. But then I found myself standing in my one year old’s room at 2 a.m. And then I woke up and realized it was because she was screaming hysterically. After some cuddle time with the Daddy and Mama,
The Ever-Changing Us-Ness
Down and Dirty @ helovesus.org
Budget Blues
I’ve always been very well cared for. Always had more than I needed. Never really wanted for anything. And I am exceedingly thankful for that! I wish that in my heart of hearts I never REALLY wanted for anything. Oh but I did, and I do, want for more. More than I need. More than
To be Fifteen-ish Again
Me with my buds – at fifteen-ish. I went to see New Moon this afternoon. By myself. After rewatching the first one, Josh decided that he definitely did not need to see the second one in theatres. So off I went by myself (he, being the grand husband and daddy that he is, hung out