…busyness is a cancer. It eats away at everything good in our lives. And before we know it. Before we have even recognized the symptoms, the busyness has eaten us almost entirely away. I know because it’s happened to me. It happens to me. My thoughts become so tangled and confused that they run and
God Can Do Whatever He Wants!
I went through the Faithful. Abundant. True. study by Kay Arhtur, Priscilla Shirer, and Beth Moore this summer. During Priscilla’s portion, she spoke on Ephesians 3:21-22, and I left a much more excited believer in the capabilities of God. I have since spent a lot of time telling myself and anyone who feels like they
For the love of coffee!
I have been reminded this week that sometimes I use too many words – verbalize too many thoughts – and in doing so can mask THE Word that is capable of convicting and changing beyond what I can even fully comprehend. Down and Dirty @ helovesus.org!
How in the HECK did we end up together?!
Some girls lay in bed as high school and college students begging that God would let them marry a minister. It’s true. I know them. They are nice, genuine women who I have a great deal of respect for. I was not one of ‘em. Nope. Never did I ever ask for a life in
My (Currently) Unwrappable Tuesday
So, today is Tuesday. And originally I had planned to unwrap some goodness within this bad boy. But then I found myself standing in my one year old’s room at 2 a.m. And then I woke up and realized it was because she was screaming hysterically. After some cuddle time with the Daddy and Mama,
The Rightness of Unbearability
It was nothing exceptional or out of the ordinary. Just a sweet message from a dear friend that echoed the aches of my soul. And suddenly they were there – the tears that I’ve been forcefully holding at bay all week long. With Little Bear and Emily chatting in the background will Miss Magnificent squealed
Woulda Been a Floosy
“If Jesus had not saved me, I would totally be a floosy.” This is an actual statement that came out of my mouth when I was about twenty two. It was meant to be funny and it became a little joke between my coworkers and me, but the statement itself is completely honest. I know
She Speaks…the fun part!
Okay, so I gave you the technical side of She Speaks. The lessons learned and the challenges issued. What I did not give you was a report on the fun that was had! To say that I was nervous about attending alone would be the understatement of the year. I was the kind of nervous that
The Proverbial Fork
These tasty little treats have nothing to do with the following post. I just feel like baby biscuits are meant to be shared. You are welcome. Do you every feel like you’re approaching the proverbial fork in the road? Like you haven’t seen it yet, but you know it’s coming. And you haven’t an
Prone to Wander, Lord I Feel It…
3You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. 4Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. 5Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and