Let it burn. Yes, I am quoting Usher. No, I am not ashamed. It takes a great deal of courage to embrace the pain of loneliness, or any other steady pain in our lives, and refuse to let go of the Hope that is promised us. I had to get all, “Yes, I will still believe
Category: Self Reflection
Let It Burn: Part 1
I soaked myself beneath the ease of pure and sweet community – no pretenses or expectations, no effort or awkwardness. These are the women who knew me before I really knew myself. These are my friends. I am terrible at keeping up with them aside from social media, but that’s the beauty of friendship that
Once upon a time I was a good mommy…
Once upon a time, I was a good mommy. I played and played and played with little A. We went to the park and the library and the mall and Chick-fil-a until we oozed fun and togetherness. There was no one cooler or more wonderful than me in those blue-green eyes of hers. Then I
A thing happened this morning. My three year old didn’t feel brave. She did not want to walk straight into her class, scoop up a plastic baby, and start organizing her peers. She wanted to hold Mommy’s hand for just a little bit longer. Today, I let her. We walked down the hall and talked
A Gift of Tenderness
Here’s the truth – I have something I’m dying to tell you about – a thing God is doing in my heart that makes me deeply and entirely excited. I got up at 6 am ready to take full advantage of the presence of The Hunk’s laptop [because our computer is busted…again] – to fill
Not letting go
Last Tuesday, I allowed them to dope me up again, put me to sleep, and cut into me. Is that unnerving to anyone else? I think it’s the lack of control I have that bothers me so much. We know about me and control, right? But, I came through it. They took my gallbladder out
Truth Unaltered Challenge
It’s a middle of the afternoon third cup of coffee kind of day. Not that it’s a bad day…totally not bad at all. Actually, it’s gone pretty well. It’s just that, well, tomorrow my gallbladder and I will part ways forever. Read: I can’t have any more caffeine for a lot of days so
There are days.
There are days when I’m pretty sure I’m on top of the world. Yesterday I woke up and had a rich, heart changing encounter with the Lord. I taught Adelle a Bible verse at breakfast. She repeated it to me periodically throughout the day. I followed our daily schedule and completed almost all of my
The Truth about Being a Stay at Home Mom: Sometimes I’d Really Love to Go to Work
We were sitting at our beat up kitchen table munching on PB&J’s and Goldfish around noon on an entirely average day. Miss Magnificent was filling the room with her word quota for the hour when she said, “Mommy, I want to be a teacher when I grow up.” This was not news to me –
The Truth about Being a Stay at Home Mom: Because We’re Guhls!
They bounced merrily down the hall, bumping into each other and giggling wildly. I watched, sharing in a little bit of their uninhibited happiness, as my pint-sized three year old looked at her two friends and laugh-spoke, “Hey! Wets hold hands!” Without a moment’s hesitation, the all grabbed hold of each other and continued to