A lot of days, being a pastor’s wife is challenging – usually not in big, unbearable ways, but in a whole lot of little ways that pile up over time. The lifestyle certainly is something that requires adjusting to, but really everything unfamiliar to us requires some sort of adjustment. With Josh doing what he
Category: Family
The Last Eight Weeks
Every morning when we wake up Adelle asks me, “Mommy, we’re go somewhere today?” As of late, my answer is usually no. Why, you ask? Because that would require me putting real clothes on, which would require some real clothes to fit me acceptably. And also, an hour out of the house feels like a
The Truth about Being a Pastor’s Wife: Who teaches HIM how to do it?
Several weeks ago I attended our small group at church. I don’t go every week and it seems that I don’t go most weeks these days. There are a great many reasons for this that aren’t relevant to this particular story but probably will be addressed at some point in the near future. Regardless, I
The start matters
I peaked over my new boppy pillow to see two eye brows shoot up above two very pretty blue eyes. “Mommy! You have cwayzy hayo!” I laughed out loud in my hoarse morning voice and scooped her up for some snuggle time. My Hunk/her Daddy walked out of the bathroom looking as handsome as ever
The Village
Last week we had a little Christmas Cookie decorating party at my house. I didn’t get to do my traditional dinner party this year, so I threw together a little shindig for a few of my stay at home mom pals. It was mass chaos. And terribly fun. We played all.day.long. No joke! Here’s the
Who Knew?
My day really needs to look like this: But it will probably end up looking more like this: Who knew I’d wish for the days of carrying a baby on my back while cleaning the house?
A night of more exciting digs
After a full day of appointments and impulse purchases – hair re-dyed red and nails painted hazy, I slipped the Marshall’s deal of a dress over my head. The cheap red wedges that have laid dormant and dusty in my closet since the days before toddler chasing became most of me felt like summer and
Six Years. Amen.
Saturday was our anniversary. Six years we’ve been married. We’ve been together for nearly twelve! Saturday also happened to be one Miss Magnificent’s birthday party. My Hunk went out to pick up the birthday cake and returned with these… I was utterly and completely surprised. My kitchen has smelled like our wedding all week 🙂
Just a day in the life…
Sometimes we FEEL like we are terrible mothers when really we are not. Sometimes [most of the time] there IS something we could be better at. I’m not the best playmate there ever was. I wasn’t even a great playmate when I was a child, to tell you the truth, but my girl LOVES to
Not enoughs got you down? Me, too.
We move through our days doing and going and playing and wiping. Loving and supporting and praying and help-mating. We strive and we toil and we drink a lot of coffee. Then we lay down in our beds and wonder if we did enough. If we are enough to the people who truly matter most