So, I’ve told you all about our family. About Marilee and Adelle and how they’re growing and changing. I figured I may as well tell you about how I’m growing and changing, too. I wish it was all glow-y and fuzzy and as simple as choosing to be brave enough to ride the pony. Mostly
Category: Mothering
A gift
I am now thirty eight weeks pregnant and am just now finding the focus and/or the words to write this post. I feel a little like Mary in that most everything I have felt and experienced during this pregnancy have found a home within my heart to be pondered on a very personal level. There
The Last Eight Weeks
Every morning when we wake up Adelle asks me, “Mommy, we’re go somewhere today?” As of late, my answer is usually no. Why, you ask? Because that would require me putting real clothes on, which would require some real clothes to fit me acceptably. And also, an hour out of the house feels like a
The start matters
I peaked over my new boppy pillow to see two eye brows shoot up above two very pretty blue eyes. “Mommy! You have cwayzy hayo!” I laughed out loud in my hoarse morning voice and scooped her up for some snuggle time. My Hunk/her Daddy walked out of the bathroom looking as handsome as ever
The Village
Last week we had a little Christmas Cookie decorating party at my house. I didn’t get to do my traditional dinner party this year, so I threw together a little shindig for a few of my stay at home mom pals. It was mass chaos. And terribly fun. We played No joke! Here’s the
Who Knew?
My day really needs to look like this: But it will probably end up looking more like this: Who knew I’d wish for the days of carrying a baby on my back while cleaning the house?
Just a day in the life…
Sometimes we FEEL like we are terrible mothers when really we are not. Sometimes [most of the time] there IS something we could be better at. I’m not the best playmate there ever was. I wasn’t even a great playmate when I was a child, to tell you the truth, but my girl LOVES to
Well, folks, I’m overloaded. Again. I have a sickness. It’s official. But God is teaching me so much through Experiencing God! And I want to tell you all about it. But for now I will just have to share a journal entry. I give you the exact words of a barely awake Mama… You will
One of THOSE mornings…
Today I woke up to toddler hands patting my face and saying, “Mommy,” with her small voice. And then I got out of bed and changed her diaper, opened the blinds, let the dog out, poured up her smoothie, started the coffee, went to let the dog back in only to discover she had muddy
…And it’s only noon?
Do you ever look down at the clock to find that it’s only noon? But surely not. Surely you could not be this beaten, bruised, and humbled by noon. And you think, “Would it be okay if we just hit reset and gave it another whirl? Surely I can do better than this. Surely.” Here’s