I am struggling this week. Fo’ reals. Upon coming out of the blur that was August 28-December 31, our family is now trying to figure out how to function as a unit of four instead of three. January marked the end of survival mode and the beginning of thrival [so not a word but it
Category: The Way
The Truth about Being a Pastor’s Wife: Sitting Duck Syndrome
Disclaimer: I think that we’re all very aware that I don’t have it all together – that I’m just a gal limping along from one day to the next trying to figure out how to let Jesus be enough in and through me. It has recently been brought to my attention, however, that I may
Chickens, Cats, and the Country
When we go to Louisiana, I have time to do things like read magazines and let my mind wander. It’s spectacular. On this last trip at my in-laws, I got reacquainted with my long lost friend, Southern Living. I’ve always loved that magazine. There was an article in this particular issue about backyard chickens, and I
There Are Times
There are times when I stumble around, one hand in front of me as I step gingerly and awkwardly through life searching for God – knowing that he is there but unable to put a finger on him, to catch a hint of his smell, or to hear the whisper of his voice. Sometimes I
When a Thing Is from God
I have not touched the adoption topic since I found out I was pregnant with Marilee. I realize that this may appear to be an indicator that we no longer plan to adopt. That is incorrect. Whether or not we adopted never hinged upon whether or not we would be able to have more biological
The Blessing of Plans Altered
The plan was to wake up, send Adelle off to church with Daddy, and haul Marilee and all of her baby goodies over to the new house to at the very least finish cleaning. Then Adelle woke up at 5:00 and Marilee’s meds had to be administered at 5:30 [thank you time change]. Josh got
I am an island.
It’s no secret that living in Orlando was not my vote. It’s no secret that I miss our families and ache to live closer to them. I have, however, worked hard over the past couple of years to embrace the living here and make this our home – to stop living like it is temporary,
You’re so vain
It’s true. I am. I really cannot deny it. My family still finds it humorous to joke about the fact that they had to move childhood me to a side of the kitchen table that didn’t face a window so that I’d stop looking at myself when I talked. True life. To be fair, my
The start matters
I peaked over my new boppy pillow to see two eye brows shoot up above two very pretty blue eyes. “Mommy! You have cwayzy hayo!” I laughed out loud in my hoarse morning voice and scooped her up for some snuggle time. My Hunk/her Daddy walked out of the bathroom looking as handsome as ever
Where We Are At Now
2011 has been a rough year. We’re ready to look it in the eye, throw up two fingers and shout, “Peace out, 2011. It’s been real.” That’s not to say we aren’t grateful for 2011 and all that we learned within it’s parentheses. Release. Submition. Gratitude. Contentment. Trust. Faith. Hope. Love. They’ve all made their