Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequist. I cannot put it down. Let me explain something to you – I am a mother of three small children. Time for sitting and reading – focused fully on words on a page – it is not possible for very many minutes in a row on very many days
Category: Self Reflection
Sex, Thrills, and Fifty Shades of Grey.
Fifty Shades of Grey. Let’s just go ahead and throw it out there. The chatter is endless. The stances are varying. I’m not here to write a critique about the movie or the books themselves. I’ve not read or seen them, and I do not plan to do so. It’s a bad idea for my
Don’t Leave Out the Messy – still brewing
Let’s live here for another post. I’ve been thinking a lot about it. Today, I was reading in Joshua 2 about Rahab (I’m using IF:Equip – a great resource for studying the Word on your own and reflecting on it in an online community). The obvious take away is that God uses anyone who is
Don’t Leave Out the Messy
I need to say something. Don’t leave out the messy. Josh had a conversation with some friends of his the other day about starting a new church – about how they would do it if they had the chance (and the desire or calling). Their answers were honest, thoughtful, and honestly very helpful for Josh
Because Sometimes I Wish I Was a Big Deal
In your relationship with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found
When I Grow Up I Want to Be an Unfrantic Woman
I stood in the shower letting the hot water massage the back of my neck. “Why am I so tired? Like pregnant tired? But I am NOT pregnant [just so we are all VERY clear].” I fell asleep last week during not one, but two, of my all time favorite movies. I simply could not
New Year’s Eve. It never seems to pan out for Josh and me. This year Josh rang in the new year painting by the light of a giant work lamp. I watched Gilmore Girls and then fell asleep at 10:30 after spending all day edging his previous night’s paint job. It was so very romantic.
Wrapping Up 2014
2014 is coming to a close. Sherwin Williams asked me if I would take a survey for them regarding my recent purchase there. I agreed because they were our heroes as we painted and repainted our new to us dining room chairs. I like to tell people they rock when they do. I picked most
The Honeymoon Phase and Bowing Low
I walk into what has quickly become my favorite little spot and immediately feel at home. My friend Lynley walks in to meet me for lunch, and we slip into our quiet corner of conversation and soul sharing – we are building upon something that God began over a year ago. We are making time
Watching for Open Floodgates
What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined,what God has prepared for those who love him. I have been wrestling hard with whether or not I truly believe in the goodness of God. I believe in his ability. I know that He can do whatever He wants. This I do not question.