“Can I just tell you that your pictures radiate happiness? I get the feeling that it is an accurate portrayal.” I received this from a dear and sweet friend just yesterday, and I quickly responded that she is correct. We are happy in a million ways. But also that really is only half the story
Category: Self Reflection
Why Noonday?
If I am going to tell you about my journey to Noonday, I need to go way back. Before babies and church planting and home ownership – basically before any real adulting started for Josh and me. Radical by David Platt came sprawling across the American church culture – sending us all spinning and chewing and
Mostly Just a Journal Entry
Do you ever take a moment to evaluate where you and your family are in life? To decide whether or not life is happening to you or you are engaging in life? Transition is a time when you sort of naturally get the opportunity to reevaluate, to decide again. I was listening to The Happy
On Falling Back in Love with Mothering: A Followup
Back in February, I wrote a post called, On Falling Back in Love with Mothering, over at Mothers of Daughters. In it, I addressed the fact that somewhere along the way, mothering had become more of a chore than a gift – that I had allowed it to become so, and that I didn’t feel
It’s March. I’m sipping my Good Earth tea, listening to my Selah Pandora station, and watching snow flurries swoop and swirl along roof tops and through tree branches. Windows. Vantage points. Frames of scenes. Their significance in my own life is powerful and moving – and steadying. Sprawling scenes of beauty are awe-inspiring, humbling, glorious
On Falling Back in Love with the Life in Front of You
It’s Tuesday. Plain ole’, nothing special Tuesday. I am eating Ruffles and Ranch dip for lunch at 2:15 in the afternoon. On my desk sits a Classical Conversations magazine, a preschool flyer, a package that needs to be returned to Amazon, our Christmas Memories book that has yet to be filled out for this year,
Bent-knee and Weepy
On Sunday, I fell on my knees and wept at the altar of grace because this first year of church planting has sent me into the depths of myself. I thought I was coming here so that God could use me in this city, but the truth is that God is using this experience, this
Pray That Junk Down
It has been some months since I’ve written. Church planting, pfh…more like soul stripping. In all the best, most painful ways. Nearly one year after moving here, I find myself, our family, never more aware of either the weakness in my spirit or the power in my soul. Everything has changed, and yet everything is just
Lessons from Spain
We stood looking at each other, sandwiched between the cold, white floors and stark, fluorescent lights of the airport. It was early – five thirty or six in the morning, maybe. I faced a coffee shop – positioned just behind my parents and my boyfriend. I shifted awkwardly from foot to foot in my red
Always Ask
I am a dreamer. I dream wide and long and often. Every day I dream new dreams about what could be – in my home, in my family, in my church, in my community, in my career. When I was in high school and time stretched out before me, long and lazy, I would spend