Why Noonday?

 If I am going to tell you about my journey to Noonday, I need to go way back. Before babies and church planting and home ownership – basically before any real adulting started for Josh and me. Radical by David Platt came sprawling across the American church culture – sending us all spinning and chewing and wrestling and running. Some of us ran way too far with the whole thing, exalting him and his words to near Scripture authority – which he never demanded from us, but I digress. 
I read Radical, and I was deeply convicted. I was also deeply shamed. There is a difference. Conviction is for healing. Shame is for crippling. I had just bought some new curtains. Curtains I’d saved up for – for like, a year – because of the part where we weren’t really adulting yet and therefore didn’t have a lot of money at our disposal. 
I remember lying on the couch next to Josh, tears honest-to-goodness sliding down my face, and saying, “Do I have to take my curtains back now?”
And so it has gone – on and on through my growing process – this battle with consumerism. Do I control it or does it control me? Am I terribly selfish because I like pretty things, and I like to buy them for my house and my kids and me? What kind of person does it make me that there are people literally dying from lack of food and clean water while I whine about curtains?
And also God is gracious and kind and loves to see me enjoy that which I love to enjoy, within the bounds of what is healthy for me. So what about that?
Back and forth we go.
Fast forward to two babies later and I participated in Jen Hatmaker’s Seven. Not because I felt guilty or because I was looking for a big, crazy change your life thing, but because I had learned that choosing to wade into what looks suspiciously like a mess of blindspots is a really valuable thing in following Jesus more honestly. And my eyes were blown open to the idea of social and consumer responsibility. And instead of thinking, “How can I spend less to give more,” I started thinking, “How can I spend more wisely to empower more broadly? How can I better see people as people rather than charity cases?”
And it changed me. It changed the way I saw the homeless, the very, very different than me, the rude, the arrogant, the judgmental, the whiny pants – I started looking them in the eyes and my heart started growing tender, soft, and pliable – open and curious. 
Then I moved to an area of the country where we were the “poor” ones – and we were not poor. This was an interesting twist. Three babies in I took a job as a lifeguard which required me to pull hair out of drains – AKA the form of humility just above wiping grown-up’s hineys. I didn’t rub shoulders with people who had less than me for the most part – always people who had more. This changes your view point, slowly and surely.
But then we moved back to my hometown, and Josh took a job that puts us neck deep in visible, tangible brokenness along with spiritual brokenness. And I found myself face to face, once again, with my extraordinary privilege and selfishness. I strolled down the sidewalk of one of the strip malls in town and found myself face to face with a very dirty man digging in and eating from a trash can on the sidewalk. His eyes – friends – I was struck sick with all of the people, myself included, strolling in and out of stores buying what they didn’t need while he ate scraps from a trash can. I didn’t have any cash or any food to give him, and so I walked by – headed into one of those good ole’ poorly-made-clothing warehouses, my gut still lurching from what I’d just seen.
I stood in the aisle fingering a necklace that I was considering buying (please know I hear your shout-y thoughts at me right now – I was delivering them to myself as well). I needed a new on to replace the last cheap gold number that had finally turned an awful shade of green. I flipped it over to find the price tag and discovered that it was $28. Twenty-eight. For a necklace I would have to replace in less than 6 months, that was likely made by severely underpaid employees – twenty-eight dollars that would never have anything to do with putting actual food on a person’s table, or allowing them to keep and raise there own children. 
And then I thought about Noonday and what I had heard about it through social media and the IF:Gathering. I thought about how it actually is possible to, for not too much more money than the “cheap” stuff, buy pretty things AND affect change – about how we live in a day when that is a real thing. So, I began researching what it would look like to become part of this new thing called ethical fashion through Noonday.
I love that I can know the stories of the people I’m buying from – that when I buy form them I’m not contributing to another needless fundraiser or money for the sake of money – I’m contributing to the actual livelihood of a person that would otherwise not have the same opportunities to thrive. I can know their stories and sometimes look into their eyes. The truth is, people usually want the opportunity to use their hands more than they want a handout.
And also – the jewelry is SPECTACULAR! I mean truly – each one is a statement piece, and I’m a girl who likes to make a statement.
So in the end, the becoming a Noonday Ambassador was an easy choice. Click that link over on the right (you might have to scroll down a bit) and you can peruse our Fall/Winter line – and maybe buy a few things. You’ll love some of it and the rest of it one of your friends or family will love! 
Follow me on social media – Facebook and Instagram – for more updates about the beauty of Noonday, how to host a trunk show, how to become an ambassador, how to get in on my Noonday launch party – about creating a flourishing world where children are cherished, people have jobs, women are empowered and we are connected. 
Let’s take our privilege (because if you have a computer or phone and the internet at your regular disposal, you are already more privileged than most of the world) and leverage it for good, friends. Let’s change the world!

But most of all, let’s be kind and generous and conscious as we move through our days. No one should have to eat from a trash can while we buy cheap, fake comfort.

Love y’all like crazy!

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