This weekend I had the privilege of sitting down with some older, much wiser ladies. With one, in particular, I was sharing my struggles, my thoughts, my dreams – and I said something about successful motherhood being an either or sort of thing in the Christian arena – about there tending to be a stigma
Category: Mothering
Painted Pumpkins and Buttermilk Pie
Right before we left for D.C, we decided to paint our pumpkins. I don’t love the carving process, so we paint. And while we were painting, Marilee was climbing the stairs and grabbing for our paintbrushes over and over again. Until Josh finished and could do this with her… She also has finally
A God Who Makes Room: Part 1
I went to the meeting. The announcement had stirred me – not many things stir me like that, you know? The way your heart leaps and your soul leans in because you know what they’re saying matters. So I asked my man if he’d like to go with me to the interest meeting. He was
Green Beans and Cold Spaghetti
We sit across the table over plates of green beans and cold spaghetti. Yes, it’s kind of weird but weekend food is just kind of weird around here. Marilee screams loudly and bangs on the French doors while she smudges her spitty cheeks all over the glass panes. She’s watching her sister play hard with
Once upon a time I was a good mommy…
Once upon a time, I was a good mommy. I played and played and played with little A. We went to the park and the library and the mall and Chick-fil-a until we oozed fun and togetherness. There was no one cooler or more wonderful than me in those blue-green eyes of hers. Then I
A Gift of Tenderness
Here’s the truth – I have something I’m dying to tell you about – a thing God is doing in my heart that makes me deeply and entirely excited. I got up at 6 am ready to take full advantage of the presence of The Hunk’s laptop [because our computer is busted…again] – to fill
The Truth about Being a Stay at Home Mom: Sometimes I’d Really Love to Go to Work
We were sitting at our beat up kitchen table munching on PB&J’s and Goldfish around noon on an entirely average day. Miss Magnificent was filling the room with her word quota for the hour when she said, “Mommy, I want to be a teacher when I grow up.” This was not news to me –
So over it.
Yesterday, after the fit throwing post, I picked Adelle up from class and we stopped in Josh’s office. He mentioned the blog post and chuckled. I said something about there still being dishes in the sink and cried. This prompted and immediate declaration, on his part, that Mommy was taking a night off. The rules,
Something’s Gotta Give
I am struggling this week. Fo’ reals. Upon coming out of the blur that was August 28-December 31, our family is now trying to figure out how to function as a unit of four instead of three. January marked the end of survival mode and the beginning of thrival [so not a word but it
Pumpkin Waffle True Life
Today Marilee slept until 9. I kid you not. So, while Adelle watched Barney, I slept until 8:45 – until Adelle came in and said, “Mommy, peez wake up! I want some bek-fuss!” And so I rolled myself out of bed and after we got Marilee fed, asked Adelle if she’d like to make some