To Mason Jar or to Drum Shade

I love quirky.  Maybe even some weird.  I do.  I can’t help it.

So yesterday when I was perusing Etsy in search of the perfect light fixture to go over our dining room table and stumbled across this bad boy –

As seen at
I found myself smitten!  I mean, I recognize that they’re a little weird, right?  They’re quirky, but maybe they’re just the right amount of quirky???  What do you think?  As I was describing them to my Mama, her first response was, “I mean, do they look like Texas saloon lights?”  And when I laughed and said, “Maybe,” she quickly responded with an, “Emily…no.”
My other option is something like this:
As seen at
Here’s the room…what do you think?
I forgot to tell you that on the right side of the shelves there will be a gold framed chalkboard that I’m pretty darn pumped about.  And this rug from Target under the table:
Pictures to come.
Mason jars.  They’re so Southern.  And whimsical.  But the drum shade is classy and beautiful as well.  Alright…time for the weigh in.  Give it to me straight.

9 thoughts on “To Mason Jar or to Drum Shade

  1. Both are lovely, but I am slightly obsessed with mason jars. The thought of eating under them fills my heart with joy. And I don't see anything wrong with a little Texas saloon in your dining room. I'm sure good times happen in both πŸ™‚

  2. Mason jars. Here's why: I think the room is more whimsical than traditional b/c of the artwork, terra cotta floor, and robin's egg blue chairs. I LOVE the pendant, but I don't see it in that room. Maybe I need to do a poll on my blog, too-we still don't have a light fixture in our dining room πŸ™‚

  3. I vote for the shades of light fixture. I think the mason jars are super cool but I see them for a covered patio or even a kitchen. My two cents!!!! Love the rug!

  4. ok…being a fellow Louisianian i LOVE the mason jars. I also love the drum, but i fill i have seen that same lamp or one very similar to that in SEVERAL nursery's lately. is pretty fabulous. Either one will look great. But, why not have the one that stands out and everyone talks about?

  5. Mason Jars…I think you could find an even better mason jar fixture because I recently saw one that was a bit more spread out and not on top of each other at a friend's house…maybe google and find some! I'm not that close to this friend and she lives in another town or I would just ask where she got them. Good luck!

  6. I'm kinda leaning towards the shade. I do love all things Southern but I think I would have to see the mason jar light fixture in person to know if it would provide enough light and impact. Good luck on your decision! I love the rug though, that will look great with the colors in there.

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