Letters from Emily

Dear {City I Live In} Housing Market,

You suck.


Dear Midwest America,

There is something I should tell you.  Two years ago – heck, a few months ago – I would have said, “No I will NOT live in you!  I am a SUH-THURN girl.  The South will rise again [totally just kidding about this.  I like America as it is – geographically speaking]!”  But you have changed my mind with your modest opinions about real estate and your four season having and your Meet Me In St. Louis-ness.  I have no idea what the people are like there, but I am slowly learning that people are just people.

Oh, and FPFG contributed to my new found consideration of you in regards to somewhere I would consider living…because she lives in the Midwest and she is funny and quirky.

I’m sorry I never gave you a chance before.  Maybe someday I will get to, at the very least, visit you.


Dear Popcorn,

You always give me indegestion but I eat you anyway because you are gooood.  Before long you will not be around to receive this letter.  Sorry, friend.


Dear Friend and Family-Sickness,

Go away.  You are making me feel grumpy.  And eat far too much popcorn.  Which will give me indegestion.  And then I will feel even more grumpy.  Cool.


Dear Realtor.com,

You make me wish for things I cannot have right now.  I’m afraid I’m going to have to end our relationship.

It’s not you, it’s me.  Really.


Dear Belle the Dog,

If you do not get outta my space while I’m trying to eat my popcorn I am going to smack you.

And by smack I mean give you a bite of my popcorn because I feel guilty for not playing with you anymore.


Dear Reader,

This is what happens when I am left alone with my thoughts all day.  Are you crazy, too?


5 thoughts on “Letters from Emily

  1. Ha!!! It's not you, it's me. Love it. (Not the home-sickness). I'll try to message you again soon. It's kind of cathartic, isn't it?

  2. Keep looking! Then, someday, when you are ready, not only will you be familiar with the market, you will also LOVE the house you get that much more, because it will be that much better, and fit all of your needs and lots of your wants. God is cool that way 😉

  3. I love you very much and you make me LAUGH out loud! Really, I miss you a lot. I am crazy, too-totally crazy, but I am feeling justified in my lack of sanity considering this past month. That is all. I will call you sometime-promise.

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