…to bring you more silence. I am simply letting ya’ll know that I’m taking a break for the month of December…to rest after my intense writing month of November [insert eye roll]. But we have 3, count ’em, 3 weeks before we head back to Louisiana and sometimes it’s good to take a break from
Category: Uncategorized
Snapshots of Grace
31 Days of Grace. I have been deeply moved and challenged through Emily’s words. Today, though, is notsomuch about words. It’s about pictures. Of grace. And this one – well I am overwhelmed by the grace that is represented in this picture. Later this week I’ll expand on that, but for now see if you
God Can Do Whatever He Wants!
I went through the Faithful. Abundant. True. study by Kay Arhtur, Priscilla Shirer, and Beth Moore this summer. During Priscilla’s portion, she spoke on Ephesians 3:21-22, and I left a much more excited believer in the capabilities of God. I have since spent a lot of time telling myself and anyone who feels like they
For the love of coffee!
I have been reminded this week that sometimes I use too many words – verbalize too many thoughts – and in doing so can mask THE Word that is capable of convicting and changing beyond what I can even fully comprehend. Down and Dirty @ helovesus.org!
The Rightness of Unbearability
It was nothing exceptional or out of the ordinary. Just a sweet message from a dear friend that echoed the aches of my soul. And suddenly they were there – the tears that I’ve been forcefully holding at bay all week long. With Little Bear and Emily chatting in the background will Miss Magnificent squealed
Woulda Been a Floosy
“If Jesus had not saved me, I would totally be a floosy.” This is an actual statement that came out of my mouth when I was about twenty two. It was meant to be funny and it became a little joke between my coworkers and me, but the statement itself is completely honest. I know
Prone to Wander, Lord I Feel It…
3You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. 4Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. 5Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and
In Summary
I am flat exhausted. My chalkboard has been filled, erased, and filled again thrice over. Thankfully, I did manage to process some of my early morning chalk scribbles, neatly storing and organizing them in black, unerasable ink. To this I say, “Phew!” [Insert dramatic wipe of the brow]. Here is a brief summary of my
Before the great eraser does his job…
Eager Emily pre-stiletto hike over to the conference to begin information overload. It’s 11 pm. I should be sleeping. My 6 am wake up call will jerk me out of my [hopefully] deep sleep and throw me into another full day of the most intense cramming experience of my life. I should close the laptop
I find myself so word happy that my listening capabilities are almost non-existent. This means it’s time to take a step back, put the word puzzles away, and do some quiet listening. Now is that time. I am off to the She Speaks conference tomorrow and I’m using it as an opportunity to step away