I woke up at 5 heavy-hearted and uncomfortable in my bed. I prayed, cruised Facebook for a while, made a mental checklist for today, prayed some more and finally dozed back off at 6. We all slept until almost 8 this morning, and I felt pretty grateful for that. Marilee woke up all fluffy haired,
Category: The Way
How do you dream big AND embrace today?
I was up for my two hour jaunt last night. It’s a thing that, with this pregnancy, happens about once a week. I’ve come to embrace it and since, now, I’m no longer fighting nausea for those two hours, I am using it to reflect and pray. I am soaking up the quiet while simultaneously
Walk before Him
I find myself astounded – again. In some swift miracle, I am Emily again. I am eating chips and cooking dinner and dancing in the kitchen with my man. I am marveling at my girls and considering God’s Word. And a week ago I was still in the trenches of “just get through the day.”
I thought I’d do a little bit of everything sort of post. All I can promise is that it will be truthful…and maybe a little sloppy. Read at your own risk. 1. There are so many things about motherhood I am deeply moved by – desperately in love with. Like watching Adelle’s heart unfold in
The Truth About Being a Pastor’s Wife: When Sharing Is Hard
I have grown into this pastor’s wife gig. I recently heard another pastor’s wife say, “I just worry about being me and nothing else.” I felt like that was really good advice, and I think that I am coming much closer to having that sort of attitude. I don’t notice the loneliness like I used
Wine: Part 2
It’s Monday morning, and I’m already tired. The laundry has piled upon me. The floors are sprinkled with sticky spots. The refrigerator is all but empty. There’s a pile of receipts staring at me from the corner of my desk with Josh’s voice…they’re telling me I really have to get them categorized in Mint. And
Welp, I’m pregnant again. I’m almost 11 weeks – due August 1st, which means I’ll probably be induced on August 8th…because that’s the way I seem to roll. You know – we’re just going to do them all within a month of each other. Adelle will be 5 in July, Baby B will arrive, and
Full in it All
Day 24 Remember last time I wrote? How I was all – life is a fairy tale? La, dee, dah! I laid my head down at 10 pm last night. At 10:15 Marilee woke up fussy. I got her back to sleep and got back in bed myself somewhere around 10:45. At 11, she woke
Tell the Truth
The problem with the truth is that you can’t bend it to fit what feels right to you at the moment. The truth just…is. That’s why sometimes being “real” and speaking the “truth” can get a little tricky. We often associate being real with being unafraid to let your struggles, your flaws, and your insecurities
Happy Here. Happy Now.
Day 17 So, I’ve missed some days. My mind is all aflutter with newness and possibility and living fully and entirely in the now. I am simultaneously becoming more and more aware of my own sin-struggle with discontentment and the possibility of enjoying every moment this life as to offer. Blame it onĀ One Thousand Gifts