We moved. Again. I’ve mentioned that, right?
Slow. Intentional.
Back in Florida, as I prayed over our move, over our new home – wherever that would be – I kept hearing these same two words over and again. So, as I consider this new space we occupy, I am working hard to reign “Get it done” Emily in and push harder into “Chill it out” Emily.
As I move through the process, I’d love for you to accompany me. I’d love for you to watch with me as blank walls are given life on purpose, as rooms evolve and find meaning within our family’s life. It’s an adventure – a gift – to make things lovely.
This is our entry way and what I’m referring to as the front room. It’s mine and the kids’ space, mostly, so it’s a little quirky – which is my favorite way to roll. Both of those chairs came from Goodwill for a grand total of about $60. True life. All of the kids’ books and craft goodies are stored in the IKEA shelf. See that box under my desk. It holds some lovely curtains from Pier 1. Now I’m just waiting on the bay window curtain rod to arrive from Home Depot so we can get hose babies up! Curtains make all the difference. Also, notice that some of those frames are still empty and theres a lamp hanging out on the stairs. Real life, friends. Real life. |
This is our living room. It’s the wonkiest room in the house. I’m not really sure WHAT people thought whilst designing spaces here, but those gorgeous windows MOSTLY make up for the wonky lay out. Again with the curtain fabric in the corner and the iron sitting out on the table waiting to Stitch Witchery the seams because ain’t nobody got time to pull out the sewing machine. Please note the cutey in the pink jammies as well 😉 What other little real life treasures do you see? |
And here we have the kitchen and dining. The dining room I love – or will love. We bought our table from World Market with two giant coupons. Score! Those chairs sat on our back porch in Florida for all the years we were at our last house. They were a yellow-ey oak color with some spectacular mauve-ish still plastic covered fabric on the seats. Now the seats are covered in a classing Herringbone – like a man’s suit. They’re lovely. The collage wall – there was supposed to be an animal head in place of those Brazil goodies. But, alas, I couldn’t find one I felt excited about and also there are other things I should be spending money on now. The same goes for the modern print on the right. Someday that will be a lovely, warm rustic – sort of masculine – maybe a little abstract canvas. For now, we are working with what we’ve got. The curtians for this room are still in the works. I’m having to sew panels BACK together. A new chandelier will happen someday, too. Slow, y’all. Slow. I wanted this room to feel like warmth – all the kinds – with a hint of adventure and some good conversation starters since we hope to have lots of dinners with lots of people in this space!
And then there’s the kitchen – that everyone loves except me. I don’t want to talk about it. Don’t get me wrong – I’m grateful for a very fancy kitchen. It just isn’t my taste but I’m trying to figure out how I can feel more excited about it without painting the cabinets [gasp]. Suggestions welcome! |
There is much to be done. These are the only rooms in the house I have touched. Slow. Intentional.
God makes all things lovely in His time. Ecclesiastes 3:11
I am nearing the end of another project – one that is proof of His ability to transform everything into beauty. In February – nearly four years after the hardest year of my life to date – it’s all written out and ready to bring healing to anyone who is struggling with letting go of control, to anyone who is brokenhearted and weary from trying to carry it all.
Today it’s a home tour – exactly as is. In February, it’s a tour through the deepest corners of my heart – corners that might look a lot like your own heart-corners.
Would you join me in celebrating the gift of His loveliness? Sign up for my Newsletter [over there on the right] and receive a once a month extra as well as inside ways that you can partner with me in the saying aloud of truth. Later this week, I’ll give you a sneak peak of February’s extra for incentive.
Love y’all like crazy!