Heathen Heart Time

Here I sit in The Hunk’s immaculate and homey office. On a Sunday. During LIFE Group hour. I know – I’m totally a heathen. But sometimes it’s nice to be able to steal away and read Ephesians 3 four times through. Uninterrupted. In utter silence. And something very close to mood lighting. A Grande Caramel Macciato sits beside my Bible and I take time to quiet my thoughts. To make sense of the whirl of it all.

Snapshots of these faces float across my minds eye.

Photo found at honduraschildren.org.
Photo found at soschildrensvillages.org.uk.

Photo found at agros.org.

Will one of them be ours? 

And I pray for God’s protection. His provision. And His power – to help us grasp the width and length and height and depth of His love. To help our children grasp it as well.

I see this house that I cannot get out of my head. 

Will it – should it – be our home? I pray for peace and direction and confirmation or denial.
I see  my sweet, precious girl. Who is testing the waters of independence and plucking at the remaining strands of my patience. And making me squeal with joy all along the way.
And I pray that she will see God in us. Every. Single. Day. That we will blatantly talk about Him. Brag about Him. Lean on Him. So that choosing Jesus will be natural. So that life without Him will seem impossible because, honestly, it is.
These are the things that are filling up my world right now. And I haven’t blogged about all of it because I found myself living life as if it was one potential blog post after another. People – that is not really living. So, I’ve chosen to make this writing thing less important than the above listed things. Today I just wanted to tell you about life and my heart and the adventure of adoption that our family will be embarking upon soon. More about that tomorrow. 
Until then…I better get back to being a good church go-er 🙂
Keep on keepin’ it down and dirty. Love y’all like crazy!

4 thoughts on “Heathen Heart Time

  1. Hi Emily! I love your blog and your HEART! Thanks for sharing. God's fingerprints are all over you!
    Hellen Crescenti

  2. One… 2011 has been a hell of a year. I agree. And I know several others agree with me as well. I wonder why 2011? But I also agree, I feel I am more connected to where I need to be now. The beautiful difficulties experienced this year have been an understood need in my life as well as yours. We all go through what we need to experience deeper growth and a deeper view of this life and God within.

    Two… Adelle looks like me in the bottom left pic… pretty sure I'd look over like that in a few pictures when I was that age.

    Three…. I LOVEEEEE YOU, Josh and Adelle!!!!!

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