You have a treat comin’ at you tomorrow. It will be our second Fun Friend Friday and our guest is not only a fun friend – she is my sister bear! I’ll tell you a little bit about her tomorrow but for now, perhaps you would like to hear one of our most recent adventures.
A few months ago, Molly made the trek over to see me and Miss Magnificent…and The Hunk. One day we left the stinker with her Daddy and headed out to do some shopping/exploring. I think Molly mostly thought we were going to be shopping. She probably didn’t realize that when I have the opportunity to leave me home for an unlimited amount of time without my child or a grocery list, well, that’s ‘splorin’ time! Anyway, we meandered through the uppity part of town and admired items we will never be able to afford. We had a delicious Italian meal and tapped our feet to the steady rhythm of sisterhood. It was great.
As we headed home I said, “There are these two little places on the way home that I want to check out.” I knew how she would feel about the first one. It’s a second hand dress shop. But it’s really cute from the outside and she always has fun stuff int he window. When we pulled up, Molly cut her eyes over at me as if to say, “Why in the HECK are we here?”
Here are some fun interchanges that occurred during our time in the store:
Emily: [Holding a very 70s get-up] I mean, I think we could pull this off. [For the record I was serious…making a great effort to convince myself that it was true.]
Molly: [Giving me the look] No. No one can ACTUALLY pull that off. They just wear it anyway and people think, “Oh…they are those vintage-y kind of people. No one actually thinks it’s flattering.”
I had to agree.
Molly: Aw sick. Used cowboy boots.
Molly: [Grabbing the smallest corner possible of a painfully hideous shirt] This is pretty.
Emily: [Hysterically laughing]
So we tell the nice lady thank you and “bye” and get back in the car where Molly proceeds to whip out her hand sanitizer and say, “Emily…seriously??”
To which I replied with laughter, “I knew you were going to be like this. You and mama are so snotty about second hand stuff.”
To which SHE replied with laughter, “Yeah. We are. Do you want some hand sanitizer?”
And I said yes. And we both laughed hard.
I try not to be snotty about second hand stuff. I really, really do. But it still grosses me out a little.
Molly in the iron graveyard. Can you tell how excited she is to be there? |
If she thought we were done, she was so very wrong. We headed just down the road to an Antique/Iron Shop. How do those two mix, you ask? Well, my friend, that is an excellent question. Outside is a graveyard of rusty old iron work. Tables and plant stands and old iron beds and pretty much anything you can imagine. Including old bathtubs which, incidentally, are made out of porcelain. Out of the corner of our eye we see two gentlemen dressed in Star Wars getup. I kid you not. And Molly flashes me the “You have GOT to be kidding me” look again.
As we head for what appears to be the entrance to antique store – being careful not to touch anything – we see a black cat without a tail. Whose food has been thrown on the ground outside. Like that’s how they serve it to him. They just dump some on the ground at the entrance of their store. Oh, and another gentleman, possibly an employee or the owner???, dressed in biker shorts. Think Harry from Dumb and Dumber:
We smiled tentatively as we entered the musty storehouse of crap. Not EVEN kidding people. There was so much stuff in there that you could barely get through the aisles. And it might’ve been fun to look through all of it and laugh and maybe even find some treasures but biker shorts Harry was following us through the aisles and Molly was panicking. I was so tickled I could barely breathe. We quickly made our way back to the door and made a bee-line to the car. We laughed. A lot. And used some more hand sanitizer.
Poor Molly. She didn’t know what she was getting into! Get excited about hearing her heart tomorrow!
hahahhahaha, poor Molly! I love it. My parents used to drag me to places like that all the time when I was a kid. I HATED it. I vowed I would never own anything "old." At least you got some quality time out of it though!
Those places have my name written all over them! Not sure Molly would enjoy my house…we own absolutely zero pieces of new furniture;)
I was totally thinking… "Megan would love those places…" hahaha