Snapshots of Grace

31 Days of Grace. I have been deeply moved and challenged through Emily’s words.  Today, though, is notsomuch about words.  It’s about pictures.  Of grace.  And this one – well I am overwhelmed by the grace that is represented in this picture.  Later this week I’ll expand on that, but for now see if you can see the strokes of grace painted across one of my favorite photos.  

2 thoughts on “Snapshots of Grace

  1. This might be my favorite photo of the day, Emily. The guy in blue on the end and the girl in front of him are KILLING ME. LOVE IT.

    And I truly hope the post you write later in the week you will link up with me again 🙂 I'll have another linky on friday (thursday?) for people to actually write more about grace. So good to see you here!

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