Day 1 True. Genuine. Real. Honest. Sincere. Simple. Plain. Original. There is a growing and possibly trendy admiration for people who are “real” and “genuine.” I wonder, though, in a world that allows us to pick and choose what we share with our social media friends, if maybe we just want to appear real. That’s
Category: The Way
A God Who Makes Room: Part 1
I went to the meeting. The announcement had stirred me – not many things stir me like that, you know? The way your heart leaps and your soul leans in because you know what they’re saying matters. So I asked my man if he’d like to go with me to the interest meeting. He was
I Wrestle: Part 2
Yesterday, over coffee and catch-up with one of my dearest friends, Michal Lynn, she recounted a conversation with our other friend Christin. It went like this: Michal Lynn: God keeps telling me to study the book of Hosea. Christin: Oh! That’s what I’m about to start in my chronological Bible! Michal Lynn: [Eye roll] Well, great! Christin:
I wrestle.
Do you ever get a thing in your head? And you can’t stop thinking about it, reaching for it, begging God to make it happen? It even feels like it is the thing that WILL happen, but you don’t know when? And you have learned not to really trust your feelings anyway because they are
Justice. Mercy. Humility. Love.
I am going to rant a little in this post. Sorry, but I’m over it. All of it. I am all for staying relevant and understanding our culture. Truly. But I am sick and dang tired of hearing shouts and outcries in the negative. “Miley is crazy,” “Stop the mommy wars,” “Obama is a tyrant,”
Make Space for Slow
I rise early, stir whipped cream into my coffee because we are out of half and half, and walk down to my messy office to meet Him. I am studying through the life of Jacob – because he is a man who wrestled HARD with God and became Israel – as in God’s chosen people.
For When You Just Can’t
I was going through some Instagram pics yesterday and stumbled across this one. My heart stopped. I ached deep and hard, if only for a breath or two. This was taken after we found out Marilee had a heart condition. After we realized I, her mother, had friggin’ Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. After she
The Currency of Knowing Him More
I assumed blog silence some weeks ago. Around that same time, I embarked upon a Bible-reading break. It wasn’t on purpose or for any specific reason. A wonky thyroid making me so tired that to wake up at 6 am for some time with Jesus was very nearly a physical impossibility. My David Bible study ending,
Let It Burn: Part 2
Let it burn. Yes, I am quoting Usher. No, I am not ashamed. It takes a great deal of courage to embrace the pain of loneliness, or any other steady pain in our lives, and refuse to let go of the Hope that is promised us. I had to get all, “Yes, I will still believe
Let It Burn: Part 1
I soaked myself beneath the ease of pure and sweet community – no pretenses or expectations, no effort or awkwardness. These are the women who knew me before I really knew myself. These are my friends. I am terrible at keeping up with them aside from social media, but that’s the beauty of friendship that